Friday, February 12, 2010

My Pre Olympics Post

So in preparation for the opening ceremonies, I provide a couple links to help you enjoy the winter Olympics a little more. Also, be sure to check out The Dodgy Keepers post below.
  • Here is pretty cool page with a couple interactive video's looking a little closer at a couple events. The downhill sking video is really cool. Also, i challenge you to watch the doubles luge video and not make a gay joke (especially around the 50 second mark).
  • has a couple pretty cool features on the games, including a day by day guide on what you should watch. Also, an economist made a projection on who would win more medals.
  • Here's a guide to the different venues and where everything is happening.
  • For those of you with gambling problems and the Olympic spirit here is a Olympic Pick'em courtesy of (just kidding, its free).
  • ESPN also has probably the best fan guide I've found so far, cause I know you'll lose sleep over the lack of information on Hannu Manninen.
  • Lindsey Vonn is a very attractive female.
  • I'd never heard of Clair Bidez prior to finding her on the SI Swimsuit website, safe to say I will be cheering for her (and google image searching her).
  • If you type "Sidney Crosby is a..." into Google, the suggestions you get are: baby, crybaby and douche.
Enjoy the Olympic spirit and more Canadians then a minor league hockey game.

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